Title: Empowering Freelancers: Taqat by Fund of Paltech Unveils a Revolutionary Hub
In light of the difficult circumstances that the Gaza Strip is going through, with the interruption of electricity and the Internet, a large number Freelancers suffer from the loss of their job opportunities with operating companies outside Gaza as a result of the conditions of displacement and the lack of a suitable environment for work, and from here came the urgent need to establish an initiative. To serve this category of society to overcome difficult circumstances and achieve a source of income for themselves and their families
A Vision for the Future
Taqat’s vision is to create a vibrant ecosystem where freelancers can thrive. The hub aims to provide a comprehensive suite of resources tailored to the unique needs of independent professionals. From networking opportunities to skill development programs, Taqat is designed to be a one-stop-shop for freelancers seeking to enhance their careers.Key
Features of the Taqat Hub